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Polynomial Equations Collection



Analyses related to cubic and quintic polynomial equations
Analyses related to cubic and quintic polynomial equations
Summary: Assigning values to expansions of quintic expressions in terms of a,b,c,d,e (similar to FSUDirac_12_1e_0001 and FSUDirac_12_1e_0006). Vieta’s formula. Writing quintic formula in terms of x,y,z,r, which are expressions in terms of a-d. Rewriting general cubic equation.
Analysis associated with reduced quintic polynomial equation
Analysis associated with reduced quintic polynomial equation
Summary: Equating one-term expressions in terms of a-d and of power five to constants e-h and attempt to construct equations of specific forms in terms in e-h. Work with reduced quintic polynomial equation equal to zero.
Analysis of a particular quintic polynomial equation
Analysis of a particular quintic polynomial equation
Summary: Quintic equation the same as on FSUDirac_12_1d_0027; attempt to find products of expressions α-δ that are possibly roots; assignment of constant to represent quotients of form ab/c in terms of a-d (linked to FSUDirac_12_1e_0023).
Analysis of cubic, quartic, and quintic expansions
Analysis of cubic, quartic, and quintic expansions
Summary: Continuation of combinations of general a, b, c, d with different powers of w (from FSUDirac_12_1d_0023); charts assigning values to different cubic, quartic, and quintic expansions equal to zero; writing general solution of cubic polynomial.
Analysis related to solving reduced cubic polynomial equation
Analysis related to solving reduced cubic polynomial equation
Summary: Writing sums of terms a through d raised to fractional powers; ω and i also used; solving reduced cubic equation.
Comparison of coefficients for different summation expansions
Comparison of coefficients for different summation expansions
Summary: Comparison of coefficients of different summation expansions in three variables.
Comparison of coefficients in different expansions
Comparison of coefficients in different expansions
Summary: Comparison of coefficients of terms in expansions of different summations/products of summations (like FSUDirac_12_1a_0011; FSUDirac_12_1d_0005); writing summations of products as quintic polynomials after substitution; comparison of coefficients of summated expressions up to degree 5 and assignment of values to each equation (e.g. 1, -5, 5. Possibly connected to Galois groups?)
Comparison of terms in expansion (fourth degree)
Comparison of terms in expansion (fourth degree)
Summary: Comparison of terms in expansion of different combinations of products (usually to fourth degree); Expansions of squares of summations.
Composition of various degreed expressions
Composition of various degreed expressions
Summary: Assigning values A-F to five-term expressions composed of elements a-e. Assigning values α-ε to reducible four-term expressions composed of elements a-e. Expansions of different powers (up to quintic) of expression x in terms of a and b.
Construction of quintic expressions
Construction of quintic expressions
Summary: Construction of quintic expressions; Comparison of an expression raised to different degrees.
Cubic equation investigation (also includes listing of permutations of five elements)
Cubic equation investigation (also includes listing of permutations of five elements)
Summary: Analysis of cubic equation by substitutions using coefficients; Listing of permutations of five elements chosen from five; Drawing diagrams to represent combinations of five elements A-E
Expansions and factoring of terms in multiple variables
Expansions and factoring of terms in multiple variables
Summary: Factoring of polynomial expressions in terms of a, b, c, d by using substitutions to e, f, g, h; expansions to different powers of expressions in terms of a, b, w; expansions of expressions a+b+c+d+e to different powers and assignment of values to different terms.
Expansions and summations of fifth-degree term, with substitution
Expansions and summations of fifth-degree term, with substitution
Summary: Assignment of values to different quintic summation expansions in terms of A,B,C,D (similar to FSUDirac_12_1d_0024). Comparison of coefficients of above expansions. Derivation of trigonometric equations from logarithmic equations. Rewriting equations in terms of O,P,Q,R in terms of a,b,r.
Expansions and summations of fifth-degree term, with substitution and comparison of coefficients
Expansions and summations of fifth-degree term, with substitution and comparison of coefficients
Summary: Assignment of values to expansions of quintic summations of x and a in terms of a,b,c,d (similar to FSUDirac_12_1d_0024). Comparison of coefficients of above expansions. Assignment of values to expansions of summations of x,a,c (hard to read).
Expansions of products of quartic polynomial expressions
Expansions of products of quartic polynomial expressions
Summary: Expansions of products of given quartic expressions involving a, b, c and assignment of values to different expansions.
Expansions of terms in third-, fourth-, and fifth-degree polynomials
Expansions of terms in third-, fourth-, and fifth-degree polynomials
Summary: Expansions and summations of terms from a quintic polynomial.
Expansions of various powers, with comparison of coefficients
Expansions of various powers, with comparison of coefficients
Summary: Assignments of values to various expansions of different powers in terms of a, b, c, and sometimes d (similar to FSUDirac_12_1d_0027); chart comparing coefficients to different expansions in terms of a-d and with high powers (e.g. 30).
Expansions related to quartic polynomial equation
Expansions related to quartic polynomial equation
Summary: Expansions of expressions in terms of x, y which are expressions in terms of a, b and comparison of coefficients; listing permutations of elements 1-4.
Expansions related to quintic polynomial equation
Expansions related to quintic polynomial equation
Summary: Assigning values to quintic expansions in terms of a, b, c, d (similar to FSUDirac_12_1e_0001); forming equations out of results of above expansions.
Expressions and equations of various degree, including third- and fourth-degree equations
Expressions and equations of various degree, including third- and fourth-degree equations
Summary: Expressions involving square roots of algebraic expressions (possibly roots of equations); Listing different multi-term expressions using A1,A2,…,B1,B2,…,C1,C2,… Possibly solutions to certain cubics; Expansions of summations of quartic and quadratic expressions; Multiplication of summations; Work with cubic functions with specific coefficients.
